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Window shutters in Rochester Hills, MI

Why Does It Take So Long to Get Window Shutters?

If you order custom window blinds or custom window shades for your home, you should only have to wait between three and five weeks for them to arrive. But if you order custom window shutters in Rochester Hills, MI, you may have to wait for up to ten weeks for them to make it to your home. This might deter you from wanting to buy window shutters in the first place, but there are some good reasons why it's going to take them so long to get to your house. Learn about them below so that you understand why they'll be worth the wait. 

Window shutters are more challenging to make than window blinds or window shades. 

If you look at a set of Rochester Hills, MI shutters, you'll find that they're usually very detailed and include a lot of different pieces that all have to work together for shutters to function properly. As a result, it can be a big challenge for window manufacturers to put together these types of window coverings. It's the No. 1 reason why you might have to wait slightly longer than usual to obtain shutters for your home. 

It can take longer for window covering manufacturers to obtain the materials necessary for window shutters. 

Before a window covering manufacturer can begin to put together window shutters, they'll need to secure all the necessary materials to make them. It can take them some time to obtain these materials so that they can begin to piece together shutters. If there is any delay at all in how long it takes to get these materials, it could result in you having to wait a little bit longer than normal to have shutters sent to your home.

It takes longer to ship window shutters than window blinds or window shades. 

A set of window shutters is going to weigh a whole lot more than a set of window blinds or window shades. Because of this, it's typically going to take more time to ship them from a manufacturer's plant to your home. You don't want a shipping company to have to rush when shipping your shutters since it could lead to some of them getting broken. So you should do your best to be patient and hang tight while you're waiting for shutters to show up at your home. 

The installation process associated with window shutters can take some time to play out. 

Once window shutters show up at your home, you're going to be so excited to see them get put into place. But even this aspect of the process is going to take longer than it would if you were to install window blinds or window shades. Window covering companies need to be extra careful with window shutters to make sure they're installed properly. It would be in your best interest to take a step back and let the window shutter installation process play out accordingly. 

When you order window shutters from our window covering company, we'll do our best to get them delivered to your home ASAP. We'll also send experienced Rochester Hills, MI window shutter installers to your home to make sure your shutters get hung up right. Reach out to us today for more information on the window shutters that we sell. 

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