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window shades in Bloomfield Hills, MI

The Advantages of Installing Solar Window Shades

Do you have some windows in your home that bring in a whole lot of sunlight? If you do, you might appreciate having the sun shine into your home every now and then. But you might also begin to experience some of the drawbacks of having the sun shine into your home on a regular basis. In this case, you’ll want to consider installing solar window shades in Bloomfield Hills, MI. They’re an excellent option for those who have homes that get more than enough natural light. Learn about the many advantages of installing solar window shades below. 

They’ll keep your home cool. 

When you have solar Bloomfield Hills, MI shades installed in your home, the first thing that you’ll notice is that it’ll become so much cooler than usual in the spring, summer, and fall. Even if you have the sun shining into your home all day long, your solar shades will stop the sun’s harmful UV rays in their tracks. This will cool your home off and keep it every bit as comfortable as you would like for it to be. You’ll be impressed with how solar shades can positively impact the temperature in your house. 

They’ll lower your electric bills. 

Since solar shades will stop the sun from increasing your home’s temperature, you won’t have to worry about firing up your AC system all the time to cool it off. Your home will naturally stay cool with solar shades without you having to turn your AC system on and allowing it to run all day. As a result, you’ll find that your electric bills will become so much lower over time. Before long, your solar shades are going to be paying for themselves and making you glad that you decided to invest in them. 

They’ll protect your floors, furniture, etc. 

The sun’s UV rays can do more than just heat your home up. They can also cause damage to everything from your floors and furniture to your walls and your artwork if you aren’t careful. It’s yet another reason why you should strongly consider installing solar shades in your home. Solar shades will keep UV rays away and prevent them from doing damage to anything in your house. 

They’ll allow you to enjoy great views. 

Because solar shades are so effective when it comes to keeping the sun’s UV rays out of your house, you might be under the impression that they’re going to mess with the views from your house. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Although solar shades will stop the sun from coming into your home, they won’t stop you from enjoying great views out of your windows. You’ll still be able to see through your solar shades thanks to the fabrics that are used to create them. 

Would you like to look more into installing solar shades in your home? Our window covering company can set you up with the Bloomfield Hills, MI window shade installation services that you need. Give us a call today to hear more about how you can benefit from investing in solar window shades

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