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window shades in Birmingham, M

Can You Use a Vacuum Cleaner on Window Shades?

Keeping new window shades in Birmingham, MI clean is going to be of the utmost importance once you have them installed. If you don’t work to clean your home’s new shades, they’re going to look worse for wear sooner rather than later. In an attempt to clean your shades, you may be tempted to break out your vacuum cleaner to get the dust off of them. Here is everything that you should keep in mind before you start running around your house vacuuming your new shades all the time. 

You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean many types of shades. 

The good news for those who have recently installed Birmingham, MI shades in their homes is that you can vacuum most types of shades. However, you might want to check in with the window covering company that sold you your new shades to make sure that this will be the case. There are some shades that are a little bit more fragile than others, so you will need to be careful about breaking out the vacuum cleaner for them. 

You should use the right vacuum attachment on shades. 

If you’re going to vacuum a set of shades, you shouldn’t pick up your entire vacuum and try to use it on them. Instead, you should do some digging around and find the specialty attachment for your vacuum that is right for shades and other window treatments. This type of attachment is going to be a lot more gentle on your shades than most of your other attachments will be. It’ll prevent them from getting damaged while you’re trying to clean them. 

You will need to be careful when vacuuming shades. 

Even if you use a special vacuum attachment that is specifically designed to be used on shades and other kinds of window treatments, you’ll still want to be careful when using it. If you’re too rough, there is still a chance that you might do some damage to your shades. You should make slow movements with your vacuum attachment to ensure that nothing goes wrong while you’re putting it to the test. It’ll allow you to maintain complete control of your vacuum attachment while you’re trying to keep your shades clean. 

You should get into the habit of spot cleaning shades with warm water. 

Although your vacuum cleaner will come in handy when you want to remove dust from window shades, you shouldn’t ever use it when your shades need to be spot cleaned. Instead, you should break out a damp cloth and some warm water to spot clean them. You’ll get much better results when you take this approach. You might also want to use a blowdryer in some cases to dry your shades off once you’re done spot cleaning them. 

Are you wondering whether or not you’ll be able to vacuum window shades after having Birmingham, MI shade installation performed? Our window covering company can let you know if it’ll be possible for you to do this when you invest in shades through us. Give us a call today for all your window shade needs. 

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